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LaGrange, Ohio
3 Questions
111 Karma

Madi’s Career Goals

I want to become a business owner or manager in some sort of realty or design. I like to help people and be active with customers.

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Madi Oct 17, 2022 663 views

How often do people need interior design services ?

Hi i'm Madi a junior in high school. I would like to open up my own interior design business but worry about how much interior designers and actually need. Also how many services are available.

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Madi Oct 17, 2022 767 views

How long does it take to become a professional interior designer?

Hi, I'm a junior in high school with the biggest dream to become an interior designer but don't know the aspects that are apart of actually becoming one.

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Madi Oct 17, 2022 980 views

How do I start a business for a interior design service? Is there a need for interior designers?

Hi, I'm a junior in high school who's very passionate about interior design. I want to be my own boss or be the marketing manager of a business to take control of the initial look of the company.