Nagam Qanadilo
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what i want to become in future?
I like software engineering and also dell company employee what i want to become? #teaching #teacher #student-development

How did you get your position in technology?
I am currently trying to transition from marketing/social media in the entrepreneur world and taking classes in user experience.
However I wanted to see how others got their job in the field as a UX Designer and or Project Manager?

What are some Jobs that will allow me to work in tech/google?
I'm a high school junior and would like to learn more about the tech field. I would love to learn about the different opportunities the tech field offers. I can also join clubs and get myself involved.

How can I get a job or shadow.....?
Hello. How are you doing? I'm a high school student and the December break is coming up. My dream is to be a commercial pilot actually. I need help finding a holiday job or something similar, perhaps even shadowing a professional.
I hope you're having a great day.