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Sarah Reed’s Avatar

Sarah Reed

Administrative Director
Management Occupations
Roseville, California
2 Answers
2535 Reads
21 Karma

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Cera’s Avatar
Cera Oct 27, 2022 492 views

What should I do to study plants in college if it isn't a main career goal/path?

I love gardening and plants and love learning about them. I took a small horticulture class through 4-H last year, which I really enjoyed. But, I don't plan on doing stuff with plants as a full-time career, I'd like to do it more as a hobby. So, I was wondering what I should do for high school...

Jackson’s Avatar
Jackson Oct 26, 2022 2003 views

What major is the most broad and will set me up best in life?

For me not knowing what i want to do, i feel as its best for me to find a major that will set me up with whatever i do decide to do, i just don't know what that major is.