Career questions tagged gardens

What should I do to study plants in college if it isn't a main career goal/path?
I love gardening and plants and love learning about them. I took a small horticulture class through 4-H last year, which I really enjoyed. But, I don't plan on doing stuff with plants as a full-time career, I'd like to do it more as a hobby. So, I was wondering what I should do for high school and college. I'm planing on majoring in Equine Studies or some other horse class and becoming a horse trainer and riding instructor. Would it be smart to minor in a plant class? What would be a good plant-related minor? Or would it be possible to just take a few classes about plants, not an entire minor, but still taking them? Or should I just not take any classes like that and learn more from experience? My high school also has special classes that you can take in 11th and 12th grade. The two that I'm interested in are Agriculture and Horticulture. I was thinking agriculture might be better for my horse-related future, but horticulture might be a fun and interesting class to take for gardening (and getting lots of free plants). Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!