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Stephen Zeng’s Avatar

Stephen Zeng

Detroit, Michigan
5 Answers
4352 Reads
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Jaslyn’s Avatar
Jaslyn Oct 29, 2022 990 views

Where should I look for an internship/placement before graduating? #Fall22

I am in my year 2 sem 2 of Bachelor of Biotechnology, and I am aware that having relevant work experience has become a must in the modern workforce. Thus I would want to participate in order to gain degree-related work experience. #Fall22

Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Nov 08, 2022 553 views

what is the reason to move on in life after you graduate highschool or college?

for example its gonna feel like an emptyspace once you leave school

Daphne’s Avatar
Daphne Nov 08, 2022 1111 views

How many extracurriculars should I be involved in for my college applications?

Is there an amount that is too much or an amount that is too low? Please let me know.

Raissa’s Avatar
Raissa Nov 10, 2022 728 views

Does common app allows you to submit letters of recommendations after you submit your application to college? When is the best time to apply for college?

Can I get a bachelor's degree in 3 years?

Jacob’s Avatar
Jacob Nov 10, 2022 640 views

What are good subjects to major in?

im in 10th grade looking for ideas for majors