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Drew Russell’s Avatar

Drew Russell

Software Engineering Manager
Management Occupations - Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Caledonia, MS
6 Answers
9452 Reads
11 Karma

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kayla’s Avatar
kayla Jan 03, 2023 1498 views

Preparing for LSAT

What are the best books to get to prepare for the LSAT? What are the best ways to prepare for it?

Connor’s Avatar
Connor Dec 21, 2022 1136 views

What are the best schools for engineering in or near colorado ?

What are the best schools for engineering?

Kyren’s Avatar
Kyren Dec 21, 2022 1316 views

What colleges are good for a major in aerospace engineering?

I am currently in high school and I am interested in majoring in aerospace engineering. I do not really know where to begin to look for colleges to attend.

Mia’s Avatar
Mia Dec 21, 2022 511 views

What career is for me?

My holland code was helper and persuader. What careers go well with this?

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Dec 20, 2022 4207 views

What is a mistake you made in work that turned into a learning experience ?

How do you use that learning in your life now?

This is part of our professionals series

Kenny’s Avatar
Kenny Dec 21, 2022 739 views

What are some tips for figuring out what college to go to?

Schools all have extremely diverse qualities, and I'm wondering what the best things to look for in a college are.