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Jerome Okpanachi’s Avatar

Jerome Okpanachi

Veterinarian; Epidemiologist
Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Kaduna, Nigeria
3 Answers
858 Reads
1 Karma

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EMMANUEL Apr 24 205 views

Can one persue medicine with a degree in public health?

Can one persue medicine with a degree in public health?

Monique’s Avatar
Monique Dec 12, 2022 345 views

What do you accomplish each day?

I have a strong interest in becoming a veterinarian, but I have no idea what a regular day might include.

Afrah’s Avatar
Afrah Dec 16, 2022 470 views

what is the environment like for a pediatrician?

what is the environmental work there? how is it like everyday working there with kids? is it stressful, joyful? and what other information would be helpful to answer this question?