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Sasha Royal’s Avatar

Sasha Royal

Solution Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
New York, New York
5 Answers
3833 Reads
1 Karma

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Lekwan’s Avatar
Lekwan Mar 25, 2014 3080 views

What are the pros and cons of becoming an entrepreneur?

I want to know everything about this career before I fully invest into it. I love the aspect of business, but I hate working for somebody. #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #ceo #startups

Amy’s Avatar
Amy May 24, 2016 1166 views

Should I go to school in the region that I intend to work?

I understand that it would help to already live in the region that I will be searching for jobs but will it hurt me if I went to school further away? #technology #it

Wyatt’s Avatar
Wyatt Nov 01, 2022 1053 views

business startup

What are the first steps to start a business from scratch.

Jhy'Deisha’s Avatar
Jhy'Deisha Nov 28, 2022 1093 views

What are some good things to have on my resume for a business major?

What skills do I need to become a business major?

Fatima’s Avatar
Fatima Dec 26, 2022 1299 views

Questions regarding a career in finance/accounting and resume

What are some skills students looking to pursue investment banking should practice and learn? What are some skills/topics students pursuing finance and accounting should learn about? Are there resources or books or anything else where I can learn concepts in finance and accounting and even...