Career questions tagged resume-building

How do I create my resume? I don't have any job experience, but am in clubs (Creative writing and book club lol)
(might do volunteering in the future). Also, how would I apply for a job that I want in the future?

Building your resume as a med student?
How do I set myself apart from my peers in medical school? What are some out of the box opportunities that would enhance my resume? #Fall24

What experiences do I need or would look good on a resume to get a job in a warehouse?
I'm a high school student currently and don't have much experience. What could I do to make my resume more attractive to potential employers?

What are some of the biggest issues employers see in a job seekers resumes?
I have heard a number of things to avoid such as resumes being too long or not concise enough, I just want to know what are some main mistakes to avoid while creating my resume for work after college. It would also help greatly to express what things to do to help boost my resume for employers.

What type of skills or experiences are record labels looking for when reviewing an interns resume?
I am a Journalism and Graphic Design major. My ultimate career goal is to work for a record label. Some of the careers I had considered are marketing, design, content creation, etc. However, my school does not have any opportunities for students who want to work in the entertainment industry. So, what could I add to my resume to be of consideration.

Should I begin writing and publishing music (for school concert and marching like bands) to prepare my college resume?
I would like to become a band director and a composer one day for school bands and I was wondering if having published work would help me gain against my “opponents” when applying for college.

What are some important things I should add to my resume? What should I avoid adding to my resume?
I'm planning on getting a job this summer once school is out, and I would like to begin preparing my resume for applying to my first job and future jobs.

What can I improve in my resume to be accepted in internship opportunities ?
I am a sophomore in Baruch college. I need to start doing internships and have applied to several positions, but haven’t been accepted. I would like to know what can I improve on my resume to be accepted?

How To Land Amazing Jobs Without Applying Online.?
Am a new graduate student looking for opportunities in Product management domain. Looking for a free Career Mentor. On Linked in I found a Career coaching platform which is out of My Budget. Looking some one who could help me with that.

How to use AI to build a resume?
We've noticed an increase in learner interest in resumes, so we're posting questions that address that!

How do I build up my resume while in high school for future colleges?
I am a high school sophomore and I would like to major in business and/or finance, but I don’t know how or what to do in order to convince colleges to give me scholarships.

I am a high school sophomore and have no extracurriculars currently besides 20 community service, I plan on doing SYEP (career skill building work, and you have to research a research question, which I plan on making medical related) this summer and Girls Who Code for skill building on the side for my future resume. I also am secretary of a newspaper club but thats all. Am I on the path for success or is it far too late for me to have enough extracurriculars by the end of junior year Are you guys aware of any medical internships for 15 year olds in NYC? ?
I am in 10th grade, a sophmore, 15 y/o, female, and live in NYC.

What should I consider when creating a resume?
I want to know more about writing up resumes for when I apply for a job

How do you bolster your resume as someone who doesn’t have much experience (like someone in high school), and also, how do you find these opportunities? ?
This question was asked by a learner during our Internships 101 webinar

What is the ATS system, and how can we make sure that our resumes don't get rejected?
This question was asked by a learner in our Internships 101 webinar

How do you get a job at 14, with no prior experience?
I am a 14 year old 8th grader in Montana, so its legal for me to apply for a job. I've done some volunteer work around my town, but I really don't know where I'd even start with getting a job.(Where I should apply, how to get hired etc.) I'm fine with working anywhere, and to be honest I am just trying to do this for the money.

What should I consider doing in high-school to prepare myself for an architectural major?
Additionally, what should I look for in a college program, and what should I learn/add to my portfolio to prepare myself for applying? I am a junior in high-school who’s taken many AP classes and challenges myself outside of school.

How do I create a resume?
How do I create a resume that I will submit on a job application?

How can I build a solid resume for social media with no formal experience, what should I emphasize?
I'm trying to apply online for these positions, but I feel like my resumé is generic and could cater better to what I'm looking for. What should I emphasize?

Writing a Resume
How do you make a good resume as a high school student with no experience?

What area regarding internship should I look for if I want to be a international tax accountant/consultant?
What do I have to do to also built my resume so I look attractive to the companies I will be applying to.

How do you put yourself out there when applying for jobs and internships?
How do you overcome the fear of applying to jobs and internships that you feel you are unqualified for? I am sometimes discouraged by the lengthy "Prior Experience" and "Required Skills" sections listed on job postings, but I've also heard advice to apply to these positions even if you don't meet the requirements.

How do I make a resume so i can get employed?
I'm really nervous to graduate and go out and find a real job. I honestly don't even know where to start. I know to apply for a job you usually need a resume but im still not exactly sure what they are?? or exactly what to put on them??

How do I complete a resume?
What is the right format to complete a resume? How do I give my resume to jobs I want ?

How do I create my first resume?
What are things that are required for a resume, things that you do and don't do, specific layouts, and if there are any templates that I can follow or use as a guide when creating a resume?

What are the most important parts of a resume?
I know I have to build a resume in order to properly apply for jobs, but everytime I ask for advice from people they tell me I should already know. I feel like I need to know what is really important, because when I look at examples online, they're often fancy and filled with too much information.

How do I make my first resume?
I have never had a job so I don't have any experience to make a resume.

In your resume you can have all your experience that you have on your GPA and also can have skills and languages etc. in your resume it can say all good things about you.?
In your resume you can have all your experience that you have on your GPA and also can have skills and languages etc. in your resume it can say all good things about you.