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Steve Burns’s Avatar

Steve Burns

engineering management
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Austin, Texas
8 Answers
9592 Reads
31 Karma

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Yogalakshmi’s Avatar
Yogalakshmi Apr 17, 2023 1539 views

How can I land in a IOS developer jobs as entry-level?

I have 4 years of experience in IT industry and have a gap of 7 years. Now I am willing to switch my technology to IOS development. How can I get a job as IOS developer? Would taking online courses help me land in a job?

Elise’s Avatar
Elise Mar 05, 2023 605 views

What are some recourses and skills recommended for high school students looking to major and eventually get into the field of computer engineering? ?

I am currently a junior in high school and am taking AP CSA

Jaden’s Avatar
Jaden Jan 30, 2023 844 views

Would studying abroad benefit me (In terms of coding)? And what are some pros/cons for this?

Just curious about whether it would benefit me or not.

Jessie’s Avatar
Jessie Feb 17, 2023 1278 views

Will CS job growth change in the next 10-20 years?

Do you think the CS job growth outlook will increase or decrease in the next decade or two?

Junxi’s Avatar
Junxi Feb 17, 2023 1252 views

What major should I choose if I want to be a software engineer?

What college major should I choose if I want to be a software engineer?

Juulia’s Avatar
Juulia Feb 23, 2023 801 views

Tech PM Career

How to become a software project manager without tech experience?

Nolyn’s Avatar
Nolyn Feb 08, 2023 2371 views

Coding in computer science

How much coding is used in computer science? because I know that I would like to go into computer science/maybe computer repair, but I don't know how interested I am in coding.

Ikram’s Avatar
Ikram Jan 28, 2023 1296 views

I still don't know what I want to do. Is it a waste of time to try out different majors in college to see which ones I like and which ones I don't?

I still don't know what I want to do. Is it a waste of time to try out different majors in college to see which ones I like and which ones I don't?