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Sarat Kollimarla’s Avatar

Sarat Kollimarla

Product Designer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Jersey City, New Jersey
2 Answers
2672 Reads
1 Karma

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Raymond’s Avatar
Raymond Jan 10, 2023 2057 views

What requirements are needed to work as an I.T.?

What are some things that I would need to learn and improve to work as an I.T.? Are there programs that would help me or certain classes that would help? If you can tell me what is needed it would really help me.

Addie’s Avatar
Addie Nov 10, 2022 891 views

How do you know that a career will fit your interests?

I am interested in computer programing and engineering but I am not sure how to find a career that uses both, or what steps I should take to pursue it. Should I study engineering or computer science? How do I know which skills will be used the most in a career?