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Paul Talledo’s Avatar

Paul Talledo

Sales and Related Occupations
Aiken, South Carolina
5 Answers
9361 Reads
21 Karma

Active Locations

Braylon’s Avatar
Braylon Mar 27, 2023 3204 views

What classes should I take to be an accountant?

Im a 10th grader

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Feb 14, 2023 1093 views

Questions about being a flight attendant

What values does your company look for in a person they are hiring as a flight attendant?

What steps would you recommend I take to prepare to enter a flight attendance?

What are the most effective strategies for a seeking position in flight attendance?

Reem’s Avatar
Reem Feb 03, 2023 2524 views

What is the difference between a Real Estate Broker and a Real Estate Lawyer?

How many years of college would it take?

olivia’s Avatar
olivia Feb 03, 2023 2128 views

Please, I need answers.

What lead you to where you are now?
What advice do you have for me?
Was this your dream job, Is this where you saw yourself for your future?
When was the last time you've done something for the first time?
What should I know about keeping a job?

Maddox’s Avatar
Maddox Feb 02, 2023 850 views

Cyber Security?

What is some of the challenges with this field and what do i need to do to get ready for that career?