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Hialeah, Florida
2 Questions
56 Karma

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Wendy May 26, 2016 855 views

Let's say I want to become an environmental engineer and the required degree is a bachelor. Should I go to prestigious school to obtain my bachelors or no?

I am asking this question because I need to know this type of information in order to be successful in college. And it is information needed to be more marketable in the job market. #college #counselor #bachelor #advisor #choice

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Wendy May 26, 2016 790 views

What are some good career choices if I want to study about the environment and how to make it better?

Because I am indecisive on whether my intended major should be environmental science or environmental engineering. I would just like to go into a field where I would be finding ways to make our environment better and lower our carbon footprint. Also I would like a major that would allow me to...