Career questions tagged choice

Is there a limit of how many Nation Society memberships I should accept?
I have received three membership offers from different National Society. The first two I'm already inducted in as National Honor Society and Nation Society of Leadership and Success. Should I also join the National Society of High School Scholars?

What are good schools for a veterinary degree?
What schools offer the best training and education for a veterinary career? What schools are accredited that also aren’t difficult to be accepted to? #career #college #veterinarian #school #work #choice #medicine #medical #working student

Let's say I want to become an environmental engineer and the required degree is a bachelor. Should I go to prestigious school to obtain my bachelors or no?
I am asking this question because I need to know this type of information in order to be successful in college. And it is information needed to be more marketable in the job market. #college #counselor #bachelor #advisor #choice

How does Going to College Serve a Person today?
Exactly why do we go to college? For the average Joe, Besides having to practically pay their ENTIRE yearly income to attend to college, how does that shiny certificate help you in the future? Exactly how does that separate you from THOUSANDS of OTHER applicants shooting for the same job. To put on top of that, if you want to go to a specialist field, you have to attend a Graduate school for 6 years to obtain a Masters degree(Which is now becoming the BARE MINIMUM to get a job). Then by the time you are in your mid twenties, you may get a mediocre job at 80 thousand dollars a year IF you are lucky. Now although that is two times the American average wage, you end up paying for your taxes and possibly your student loans you may have received to pay for college. I'm asking this question because I'm aware of many friends who don't have degrees and yet find themselves in promising start-ups and importing businesses. At the same time, I also know many others who have Masters degrees but struggle in securing jobs to support themselves. So I ask again, what is the advantage of going to college? #college #career #help #college-advice #general-advice #choice