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5 Questions
496 Karma

Jaiden’s Career Goals

I want to become a electrical engineer so I can help create useful products for others.

Jaiden’s Avatar
Jaiden Dec 07, 2023 939 views

As a software developer how do you take and use user feedback into your process, and how does it affect what you are working on?

I'm in 10th grade and I'm doing a project on software developers which is a career I'm interested in going into in the IT field.

Jaiden’s Avatar
Jaiden Dec 07, 2023 637 views

Do you think your job as a software developer will have an impact on the future of the IT field?

I'm in 10th grade and I'm doing a project on software developers which is a career I'm interested in going into in the IT field.

Jaiden’s Avatar
Jaiden Dec 07, 2023 805 views

As a software developer how do you stay updated with the new technologies in the field, and how do you apply them to your work ?

I'm in 10th grade and I'm doing a project on software developers which is a career I'm interested in going into in the IT field.

Jaiden’s Avatar
Jaiden Dec 07, 2023 883 views

As a software developer What programming languages or frameworks do you find most valuable in your work, and why?

I'm in 10th grade and I'm doing a project on software developers which is a career I'm interested in going into in the IT field.

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Jaiden Dec 07, 2023 711 views

As a software developer how do you balance meeting tight deadlines with maintaining good quality work?

I'm in 10th grade and I'm doing a project on software developers which is a career I'm interested in going into in the IT field.