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Herndon, Virginia
3 Questions
221 Karma

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Ryan Oct 27, 2023 1825 views

What's the process towards becoming a good personal trainer?

I'm looking into becoming a personal trainer as soon as I graduate highschool; however, the process to becoming one seems a bit complex for me, especially as someone whose going into it young. I'd greatly appreciate any tips and advice. Thanks!

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Ryan Sep 20, 2023 1465 views

What is one piece of advice you would give your younger self about starting a business?

I want to start a business, but I have no starting point whatsoever. To those experienced in any kinds of businesses, help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Ryan Feb 09, 2023 857 views

Finding your career?

How long does it usually take people to realize what they want or have interest in in college when they don't have any in highschool?