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Lisa Nichols’s Avatar

Lisa Nichols

Marketing Communications leader
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Jacksonville, Florida
3 Answers
4465 Reads
21 Karma

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Tatem’s Avatar
Tatem Jul 12, 2023 716 views

How do I become more noticeable for editorial publishing internships?

What is important for a resume to get accepted to editorial internships at a publishing company?

uzair’s Avatar
uzair Jul 12, 2023 496 views

can anyone suggest to me what should be the first step I should take if I want to pursue a career in digital marketing?

i have recently completed my high school and I am now taking a gap year in which I want to do internships to gain practical experience . but I am a bit confused about where to start

Leeton’s Avatar
Leeton Feb 05, 2023 1618 views

Would you be willing to participate in a survey about remote work environments and its impact on job satisfaction?

Hey, I'm a high school student conducting a research project on how your home workspace impacts your job satisfaction. If you work remotely could you complete this survey, it takes about 5 minutes. This is a repost from a previous question, but I was hoping to get five more responses before I...