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Raymondville, Texas
4 Questions
136 Karma

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Ralia Jun 26, 2016 1738 views

What do people look for in a scholarship application?

I am going to be searching for scholarships this upcoming year, and I would like to know what to highlight or include in order to benefit my chances. #scholarships #colleges #scholarship #college-essay

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Ralia Jun 26, 2016 1479 views

What is like at Texas Tech University?

I think I want to go there for college, but I am a little hesitant and would want some personal opinions. #college-bound #colleges #college-jobs #texas

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Ralia Jun 26, 2016 1016 views

Where is there a good vet school?

I love animals and want to work with them by giving shots and doing surgery, but I don't know where I should go for that education. #veterinarian #animal-health #veterinary-technician

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Ralia Jun 23, 2016 1109 views

What is the best way to recieve a good reputation, experience and education to become a veterinarian?

I am asking this question because I want to become a veterinarian, but as a high school student, I do not know the best way or requirements to get in to a vet school. #veterinarian #animal-health #veterinary-technician