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Eric Lee’s Avatar

Eric Lee

Software Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Charlotte, North Carolina
6 Answers
10879 Reads
11 Karma

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kashif’s Avatar
kashif Mar 07, 2023 482 views

how do things work?

how do things work in a professional computer science workspace and in a college

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Mar 06, 2023 938 views

What type of education do you need in order to be a HVAC person ?

Hi, my name is Andrew I am at San Jose Job Corps, CA and I am interested in becoming an HVAC worker. I was wondering what type of education and certificates, you need to require in order to become an HVAC worker. Thanks for answering this Question.

Paul’s Avatar
Paul Mar 06, 2023 2120 views

What is the difference between a certificate and a degree?

I have heard that computer certificates are pretty comparable to college degrees. Should I pursue my Security+ certificate or get a degree in cybersecurity? What are the pros and cons of each?

Lillian’s Avatar
Lillian Mar 05, 2023 3271 views

What jobs can I get with a degree in some sort of biological science?

I took a heavy interest in science my freshman year of high school and have really taken an interest in biological sciences but am not sure exactly what I want to do.

Calista’s Avatar
Calista Mar 06, 2023 1874 views

is college worth it or stupid?

should I go to college?

Trang’s Avatar
Trang Mar 06, 2023 753 views

How many AP classes should I take for my sophomore year? Should I take the AP PreCalc that will be offered next year?

I will have these options:
English 10 Hn
AP European/ regular
AP PreCalc/ regular
Chemistry Hn/ regular
AP Statistics

I want to be majoring in economics. Thank you