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Kyera’s Avatar


Oakland, California
3 Questions
91 Karma

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Kyera’s Avatar
Kyera Mar 14, 2019 581 views

Does Tech have dorm checks?

Are there dorm advisors that come around at certain times to check dorm rooms? #tech

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Kyera May 27, 2016 1007 views

What hospital in Texas would be the best to do an internship at?

I am asking to clarify what would be the best hospital to work at prior to me graduating from college, and opening my own hospital. #nurse #pediatric-nursing #nursing-education #medical-assisting

Kyera’s Avatar
Kyera May 27, 2016 1218 views

How many years of college would I have to attend to become a Special Needs Nurse, and own my own Special Needs Hospital?

I am simply asking because that is the profession I would like to partake in. #nursing #nurse #pediatric-nursing #nursing-education #medical-assisting #special-needs