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Tim Raatz’s Avatar

Tim Raatz

Risk Management
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Orlando, Florida
6 Answers
23716 Reads
12 Karma

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Arnoldo’s Avatar
Arnoldo Jan 23 1438 views

How can I prepare for college life and the challenges it brings.

Should I focus on improving time management or building independence? Will I be unprepared for when I have to do work?

cienna’s Avatar
cienna Nov 13, 2023 3403 views

if i want to do investing wheres the best place to start?

any tips for investing

kion’s Avatar
kion Nov 14, 2023 7315 views

what are some good business schools?

pls help idkkkk

Rosselin’s Avatar
Rosselin Mar 13, 2023 2320 views

After I graduate high school should I go straight to collage?

I don't have collage money saved up so I was thinking of getting a job after collage to raise money.

Jocelyn’s Avatar
Jocelyn Mar 13, 2023 5507 views

Do you enjoy working?

I know people say to do what you love, but it can be hard. How do you balance work and play?