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Dave Sisneros’s Avatar

Dave Sisneros

Operations Engineer
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Littleton, Colorado
4 Answers
7192 Reads
11 Karma

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Edith’s Avatar
Edith Mar 17, 2023 3102 views

What does a good resume need to have for it to be competitive?

I am currently trying to get to an educational institute and become a TA for preschoolers with my experience from being a Resilience Corps Associate for the San José Public Library but they always declined my application because I don’t have ECE units. They tend to give the position to those...

danissa’s Avatar
danissa Mar 20, 2023 635 views

what is the best collage for agriculture ?

best collages, reasonable fees

Magali’s Avatar
Magali Mar 20, 2023 1022 views

What are the most effective strategies for seeking a position in civil engineer?

Hi my name is Magali, a student at San Jose Job Corps and I'm interested in becoming in civil engineer. Thank you for your answers.

Yaritza’s Avatar
Yaritza Mar 21, 2023 870 views

How many years does it take to become an aerospace engineer ?

How many years of college/university does it take? Do you have to do any more school besides going to college? Can you do less years in college to become an aerospace engineer?