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David Hilditch’s Avatar

David Hilditch

Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Boston, Massachusetts
7 Answers
13052 Reads
21 Karma

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Amy’s Avatar
Amy May 10, 2024 477 views

Will becoming a police officer make me shoot someone?

I want to be a police officer, and then go up to either become an FBI agent or a homicide detective (considering I pass all exams). I read I have to be a cop first before becoming a detective and have some type of experience to become an FBI agent. The thing is though, I really don't -and I...

LIL’s Avatar
LIL Feb 17, 2024 1529 views

Why does math have letters?

Makes no sense I just don’t like it

Noah’s Avatar
Noah Apr 18, 2023 1842 views

are FRATS worth it in college?

I am curious about how it is

Yonathan’s Avatar
Yonathan Apr 11, 2023 1656 views

what should i do during a gap year?

I'm currently a senior in high school.

Israel’s Avatar
Israel Apr 17, 2023 4160 views

What are some questions you ask yourself before you buy something??

I am struggling with buying things that are not beneficial to me and end up buying items I don't use at all. I need to ask myself if I really need these items but I don't know where to start.

Patrick’s Avatar
Patrick Apr 18, 2023 1588 views

What are some college classes that I should pick first to get them over with?

I am a senior in High school

ISAIAH’s Avatar
ISAIAH Apr 19, 2023 1901 views

What is the best way to save money?

I am a senior in high school