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Jessica Stewart’s Avatar

Jessica Stewart

Human Resources
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Orlando, Florida
3 Answers
8760 Reads
1 Karma
Sara’s Avatar
Sara Mar 17, 2014 2397 views

What year of college is the best to do the Disney College Program?

I am really interested in the college program at Disney and I want to make sure I do it at the right time in college. #disney

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Apr 23, 2018 4034 views

Is it worth it to participate in the Disney College Program?

I love Disney and I am interested in the Disney College Program but I am not sure if it will help me in the future. If anyone has ever been a part of or knows someone who has been a part of the Disney College Program I would love to just know information about it. #Disneycollegeprogram #DCP...

Sabrina’s Avatar
Sabrina May 03, 2023 5410 views

What are the most important parts of a resume?

I know I have to build a resume in order to properly apply for jobs, but everytime I ask for advice from people they tell me I should already know. I feel like I need to know what is really important, because when I look at examples online, they're often fancy and filled with too much information.