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Colorado Springs, Colorado
3 Questions
196 Karma

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Meagan May 21 1328 views

What do employers look for in interior design?

Hi! I’m almost a junior in high school and am wondering where I should start if I want a career in interior design. Do I need a college degree? An internship? A graphic design class? How can I set myself up for a well-paying job? #spring24

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Meagan May 24, 2023 469 views

Do you need to know how to tap dance in order to be on Broadway ?

Hi! I’m a freshman in High School and my goal is to be on Broadway someday. I have been in performing arts since I was 4, but I’m nowhere near an expert performer. I love to dance and want to get better at it so I can get cast in more shows. However, I hate tap dancing. I tried it this year and...

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Meagan May 18, 2023 1023 views

How do you get a a tv show on air that you wrote and created?

I’m a Freshman (about to be a sophomore) in high school and love to write tv shows and movies. I really want to make my dream come true, but I don’t know how to do it or where to start. Thanks!