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Ocwee Jimmy’s Avatar

Ocwee Jimmy

Mason tradesman
Construction and Extraction Occupations
Lira, Northern Region
4 Answers
9930 Reads
2 Karma

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Raul’s Avatar
Raul Jun 21, 2023 2113 views

What's the most difficult part about being a nurse?

Hello, My name is Raul. I'm a student and would love to know if anyone could help me with some advice/tips, thank you.

Mina’s Avatar
Mina Jun 17, 2023 2693 views

What should I do to be successful in my job?

Hello, have a good time.
Excuse me, I wanted to ask what should I do to be successful in my job?

Yili’s Avatar
Yili Apr 06, 2023 1130 views

What are some jobs that doesn't require a college degree?

Currently a senior in high school

Isabella’s Avatar
Isabella May 24, 2023 535 views

What would be the best job for someone who wants to travel while working?

Would marine biology or writing best fit a person who wants to travel? How would your job be able to pay travel expenses?