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San Jose, California
3 Questions
51 Karma

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Allaya’s Avatar
Allaya May 23, 2023 580 views

After going through air traffic control training, will I have to memorize coordinates or things of that nature when working with certain tools or will there be an option for me to look things up if I get stuck or forget something??

From the small video over view that I watched on this occupation, I noticed various advanced technology being used and I want to know if it will be difficult for me to get the hang of it or if there is a safety net to ensure that I don't forget how to do certain things while I am working.

Allaya’s Avatar
Allaya May 23, 2023 347 views

What are the protocols and or consequences for making a mistake when directing the aircrafts as an air traffic controller?

I am concerned about accidentally doing something wrong on my end and putting a pilot in danger so I'd like to know what happens in that situation or what training we will be given to ensure this does not happen.

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Allaya May 23, 2023 294 views

What are the different roles for an air traffic controller?

I am interested in possibly working with some type of gadgets to direct the aircraft so I'm wondering what exactly my options are.