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Darrell Hicks’s Avatar

Darrell Hicks

IT Tech
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Los Angeles, California
4 Answers
3109 Reads
11 Karma

Active Locations

Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher May 25, 2023 926 views

What kind of skills would someone need to be recognized by a famous company?

For example, what kind of skills would someone need to be recognized by google or facebook?

Grace’s Avatar
Grace May 22, 2023 1172 views

How is the work-life balance for professionals working in the field of computer science or software and is it worth it to pursue a career in these fields?

I am in 12th grade and I'm interested in mathematics and science overall. I want to pursue a career in computer science and explore technology and someday do research and invent and discover things that will be useful for the development of society and help save nature.

kyle’s Avatar
kyle May 22, 2023 524 views

what type of job

what type of job would have to do with trying to go into computers and coding for certain advanced ai or newer machines

Myo Min’s Avatar
Myo Min May 22, 2023 605 views

How to be a programmer?

For example, coding and building website