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Elvis Williams’s Avatar

Elvis Williams

Learning Business partner, Instructional Designer
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Alexandria, Virginia
5 Answers
6017 Reads
21 Karma

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Mai’s Avatar
Mai May 25, 2023 914 views

What made you pick what you chose and why

When did you know what you wanted to do in life? How did you know what you wanted to do and what made you fall in love with it? I don’t know what else to add to this question.

Noah’s Avatar
Noah May 21, 2023 559 views

What are some essential classes that can you prepare for your career?

Is there really any classes I can take to prepare my careere?

Alexandria’s Avatar
Alexandria May 25, 2023 2326 views

Does it matter if I go to college or not?

Does it matter if I go to college or not?

Jerry’s Avatar
Jerry May 25, 2023 1382 views

what kind of apps can i use right for video making ?

what are free apps can i use?

Jerry’s Avatar
Jerry May 25, 2023 831 views

what kind of thing should i do to be proactive in video editing ?

what are daily thing should i do to stop procrastination in video editing ?