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Julie’s Avatar


Nairobi, Nairobi County, Kenya
4 Questions
286 Karma

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Julie Jan 10 1475 views


"Hello, I am a first-year student pursuing a major in English and Literature. However, I am unsure if teaching alone would be a suitable career path for me. I am interested in exploring other well-paying job options. Additionally, as a student, I am also looking for part-time jobs that I can do...

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Julie Aug 29, 2023 4396 views

What is more marketable a major in nursing or perioperative theatre technology?

Im confused on which one can open doors to more opportunities

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Julie Aug 28, 2023 1822 views

Which is more marketable: a major in nursing or psychology?

I'm interested in both and would like to hear which of these is more profitable and which will open more doors for opportunity.

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Julie May 26, 2023 406 views

What kind of internships are available for psychology majors/graduates?

am curious