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amie liu’s Avatar

amie liu

product manager
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
San Francisco, California
4 Answers
10818 Reads
1 Karma

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Khai’s Avatar
Khai Jun 08, 2023 1882 views

Why so difficult to get offer?

I’m almost done with my Masters in Mechanical Engineering I have yet to find a job. I’m currently unemployed and I have sent more than a hundred applications already and several interviews too. Why is it so hard to get an offer??? It is so frustrating

Raphael’s Avatar
Raphael Jun 09, 2023 3538 views

How can I figure out what career is right for me?

I wanna make a lot of money, and I have knowledge in biomedical science, but am interested in music and philosophy. So I am not sure what to do!

Keva’s Avatar
Keva Jun 09, 2023 1519 views

How do i get a secondary education without going into debt? #spring23

I want to become a doctor and go through medschool. Is there anything i can do in hoghschool/best ways to get scholarships so that i can minimize any future debt?

Audrey’s Avatar
Audrey Jun 09, 2023 3993 views

If you could change anything about your high school outcome, what would it be and why?

Lots of people often regret certain decisions after high school, so what do you wish you could change?