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JoAnn Kadien’s Avatar

JoAnn Kadien

Director Operations
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Woodbridge Township, New Jersey
11 Answers
22262 Reads
121 Karma


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Ena’s Avatar
Ena Feb 19, 2017 873 views

Whats career difference between major economy or business?

Many university asks higher entry level for students entering business school. #business #university

Adira’s Avatar
Adira May 26, 2016 1290 views

Would pairing my major in neuroscience with business be beneficial?

I would like to minor in business to get background. #business #neuroscience

Omar’s Avatar
Omar May 14, 2016 1043 views

What kind of courses are recommended for a business major?

In my quest on becoming a business major university is in the near future so one needs to brush up on this knowledge. #business #university

Davina’s Avatar
Davina Apr 26, 2016 5322 views

what careers can you get with these subjects geography , POA ,POB

i like these subjects and i do great in these subjects #business #accounting #geography

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda May 25, 2016 1086 views

How do I find grants for opening a nursery school after I finish by BA

I would like to have a nursery school for under 3 years old. I would like to find out how to search for monies to start this business. #business #school #grants #early-childhood-education #owners #private #nursery

Chun’s Avatar
Chun Mar 20, 2017 1365 views

What does nutritionist do and what does they need to learn?

I am thinking about being a nutritionist in the future. I wander what is their job and what do I need to learn to become a nutritionist? #career-counseling #dietitian #nutritionist #clinical-nutrition

Jerry’s Avatar
Jerry Jun 20, 2016 1395 views

Should I use the same "professional" photo for all my profiles?

I've recently created a LinkedIn and a Skype for professional and interviewing purposes now that I'm transitioning into adulthood. Should my professional photo be recycled or is this a sign of laziness and worth avoiding? #linkedin #profile-picture

vijayakumar’s Avatar
vijayakumar Jun 20, 2016 2489 views

Switching over from Engineer to Police is it easy

Hi,i am vijayakumar. Completing Engineer and switching over police is it possible. Is that easy to prepare myself for police training #computer-science #educator #police-officer #mentoring #counselling

Kimberlynn’s Avatar
Kimberlynn May 25, 2016 1163 views

How did you know which major was right for you? When did you figure out what you wanted to do when you got older?

I am asking this question because I have no idea what I want to do when I grow up. I am a little nervous that I will make the wrong decision.

Timothy’s Avatar
Timothy Jun 22, 2016 2220 views

How useful and effective is Goal Setting in the work environment?

Especially since a lot of companies and start-ups assign work and materials using deadlines. How can one still harness the power of goal setting in the workplace? #college #business #career #technology #professional #marketing

Sydney’s Avatar
Sydney Jun 22, 2016 4585 views

What would you have done differently in college/university?

If you could go back in time, what would you have changed about your college experience? What are the things you're happy you did and wouldn't change? I'm looking for suggestions regarding all aspects of college -- academic, social, personal -- everything. I'd especially appreciate advice...