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Chris Connelly’s Avatar

Chris Connelly

Senior Consultant - Tax
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Stamford, Connecticut
6 Answers
29784 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 09, 2023 3800 views

Which career is best for me?

Hi, I'm a student that's super lost about jobs. Like, I keep obsessing over jobs ever since summer break started I can't enjoy my vacation. I know that I enjoy writing, animals, art, finding information, and sharing resources. However, Idk what jobs could actually match my skills. I'm fine with...

Julaina’s Avatar
Julaina Jun 09, 2023 7581 views

What should I bring up when I'm trying to apply for a job?

Being an upcoming junior I am finding it hard to get a job with no previous experience and being under 18.

Tyriq’s Avatar
Tyriq May 09, 2023 2464 views

Discuss the pros and cons of being an Accountant?

Tyriq, age 19

Audrey’s Avatar
Audrey Jun 09, 2023 4162 views

If you could change anything about your high school outcome, what would it be and why?

Lots of people often regret certain decisions after high school, so what do you wish you could change?

Leanna’s Avatar
Leanna Jun 09, 2023 8748 views

Will this help me with deciding a career goal?

I am confused on what to write on my career goal. I don’t know what kind of information to put.

Michelle’s Avatar
Michelle May 12, 2023 3129 views

When should you take the CPA Exam?

I'm a junior in high school interested in the CPA exam for a career as an accountant.