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Ashlee Christian’s Avatar

Ashlee Christian

Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Houston, Texas
2 Answers
1098 Reads
1 Karma

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CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 07, 2023 522 views

What would be the best way to be able to get accepted into yale ?

I go to a small town school with a low-income family but I get good grade and I was wondering what else I could do to set me apart from everyone else applying to Yale? Should I volunteer more? What extracurriculars should I be doing?

This question was asked anonymously by a student

Kali’s Avatar
Kali Jun 09, 2023 605 views

How would I get a business started when im only 16 and can’t go out to do what I need to do ?

Like I want to do a photography business but I want to get it started up