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Somayeh K.Haghighi’s Avatar

Somayeh K.Haghighi

Senior Data Scientist
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Austin, Texas
4 Answers
10671 Reads
1 Karma

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Raphael’s Avatar
Raphael Jun 09, 2023 3538 views

How can I figure out what career is right for me?

I wanna make a lot of money, and I have knowledge in biomedical science, but am interested in music and philosophy. So I am not sure what to do!

Malachi’s Avatar
Malachi May 26, 2023 955 views

How can I get an internship in cybersecurity as a junior in college with no professional experience except for the projects I have done academically.

I am 26 a military veteran w/ a secret clearance and basic knowledge of cybersecurity concepts and am advancing them daily.

Reza’s Avatar
Reza Jun 08, 2023 4350 views

What is the best way to succeed in a job interview?

Hello, I hope you are well.
My name is Fardin and I want to find out what is the best way to succeed in a job interview.

Khai’s Avatar
Khai Jun 08, 2023 1882 views

Why so difficult to get offer?

I’m almost done with my Masters in Mechanical Engineering I have yet to find a job. I’m currently unemployed and I have sent more than a hundred applications already and several interviews too. Why is it so hard to get an offer??? It is so frustrating