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Lakshmi Parameswaran’s Avatar

Lakshmi Parameswaran

DC Manager
Management Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Dallas, Texas
5 Answers
16842 Reads
11 Karma

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Kelsie’s Avatar
Kelsie Jun 07, 2023 2006 views

How do I chose the best job for me?

I have a couple of jobs that I’m interested, I just don’t know how to start narrowing down my options.

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Jun 09, 2023 3139 views

Is it possible to balance many different careers and how does one do so? What have been the best financial decisions that you have made since high school for a steady adulthood? (You can answer both, one, or neither.)

I just recently graduated high school and I've thinking about taking a multidisciplinary career with a combination of different STEM paths (computer science, teaching, health e.g. therapy and psychiatry, environmental science, etc.)

mo’s Avatar
mo Jun 08, 2023 2744 views

what would be one of the easiest tasks when going into your first job?

i’m going to my first job and i’m unsure of what to expect

Elizebeth’s Avatar
Elizebeth Jun 09, 2023 1561 views

how do you find work?

how do you find work?

Julaina’s Avatar
Julaina Jun 09, 2023 7334 views

What should I bring up when I'm trying to apply for a job?

Being an upcoming junior I am finding it hard to get a job with no previous experience and being under 18.