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Stephanie K’s Avatar

Stephanie K

Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Dallas, Texas
3 Answers
4339 Reads
1 Karma

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Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia May 24, 2024 920 views

What class in college has benefitted you the most in life?

Disregarding your job, what class that you took in college has been the most helpful in your day to day life? And, applying your job to this question, how has a certain class benefitted your specific job?

Madeline’s Avatar
Madeline Jun 22, 2023 1720 views

How can I explore and learn about different jobs I may be interested in?

I’m thinking about having a career in the health professions field, but I’m not sure what specific job I should choose since I may not enjoy working in a hospital or clinic setting. I’m interested in science and know there are a lot of careers, but don’t really know what they are yet and...

Elizebeth’s Avatar
Elizebeth Jun 09, 2023 1561 views

how do you find work?

how do you find work?