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San Jose, California
3 Questions
126 Karma

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Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Jun 21, 2023 618 views

What are some tools that i should be familiar with before becoming a Physicist ?

Are they specific tools that are only used in the field of physics? If you have any answers/advice for me, anything is welcome and appreciated. Thank you for your time and have a good day.

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Jun 21, 2023 1209 views

What is a typical day in the life of a Physicist?

Is there any tasks/quotas that have to be met by the end of the day? If you have any answers/advice for me, Anything is welcome. Thank you for your time and have a good day.

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Jun 21, 2023 472 views

Do you think the demand for physicists will ever go down?

Hello, I am a Job Corps student In San Jose and I am looking into entering the science job search as a physicist. I was wondering if it was stable enough for me to pursue as a career, Any advice/ answers are welcome and appreciated. Thank you for your time.