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Hollister, California
3 Questions
46 Karma

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Jaylah’s Avatar
Jaylah Jun 21, 2023 326 views

What does a typical day for a medical-admin look like?

I want to know what a typical day for a medical admin looks like such as what they generally do in a day, what day-to-day responsibilities they have, do they often stay late working, etc.

Jaylah’s Avatar
Jaylah Jun 21, 2023 336 views

What are important things I should know about being a Medical Admin?

I am trying to discover what career path I want to go down and I'm setting my mind on medical admin. I want to know if there are any important things about this job that need to know.

Jaylah’s Avatar
Jaylah Jun 21, 2023 343 views

Do you like what you do as a Medical Admin?

My name is Jaylah I want to be a medical admin and I would love to learn more about it and hear if medical admins themselves enjoy what they do.