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Kay Compton’s Avatar

Kay Compton

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Whitefish, Montana
6 Answers
7377 Reads
1 Karma

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Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Dec 27, 2022 1246 views

How do i prepare for Rn nursing?

I really want to do Rn but I really don't know what field is best for me. So I need advice on how to get to specialize in the right field of RN

da’s Avatar
da Aug 13, 2023 600 views

why is it so hard for me to pick what I want to do after highschool?

I am very stuck and dont know what to do.

Damien’s Avatar
Damien Aug 11, 2023 1149 views

Should I settle on a profession even if I'm not sure I'll want to do it for the rest of my working life?

The Profession I plan to go into as of now is the one that my parents want, but I don't. Now I fear that it is too late to find what I truly want to do.

Vedant’s Avatar
Vedant Aug 11, 2023 3140 views

How did you prepare for this career in terms of education and training? What traits of yours led to choosing this career path?

Looking for answers from more science based careers - i.e. Paramedicine, astronomy, botany, zoology, physicists.

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Aug 09, 2023 611 views

How did you get this job?

I want to know what you had to go through to get the job you have now

maci’s Avatar
maci Aug 08, 2023 1027 views

how do you pick the best medical field ?

I have always wanted to be in the medical field, but do not know which one to pick. How do you pick the best medical field and what are your tips on picking the best