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Aleksa Thomas’s Avatar

Aleksa Thomas

8 Answers
3756 Reads
61 Karma




I am a Senior Staffing Consultant and I help Medical providers find jobs! I received my degree in Communication and Media and got a Minor in Philosophy with a concentration in Science, Technology, and Values.

Aleksa’s Career Stories

What is the one piece of career advice you wish someone gave you when you were younger?

It’s just a job at the end of the day and you can always change careers! You are never going to be forced to do something you don’t enjoy or don’t want to do. You can ALWAYS find new opportunities to gain more experience in the field you are passionate about. Volunteering is one of those great things you can do! You can do something you are passionate about and feel good doing it because you are giving back to the community. Build your connections because those people may help you find your dream job in the future. Everyone knows someone so don’t be afraid to reach out to others for help.

How did you pick your career? Did you know all along?

I absolutely did not know what I wanted to do when I graduated school. I actually changed my major every single semester of college until I finally found my niche; and that was Communication and Media. I have always loved Photography and advocating for those who couldn’t so this seemed like the right choice. I originally wanted to become a Veterinarian but I am horrible at math and I learned that’s ok! You will always have strengths and weaknesses so for me, it was figuring out what I was truly good at. I also loved deep thinking and I was told at a young age that I could read between the lines very well. That’s when I decided to take a Philosophy course and absolutely loved it. I ended up taking Philosophy of Law which was a graduate program but passed while I was getting my bachelors. I then graduated with a Minor of Philosophy with a concentration in Science, Technology, and Values. Long story short, it’s SUPER normal to not know what you want to do and the fun part of life is figuring that out.