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jami adam’s Avatar

jami adam

Healthcare Support Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Jupiter, Florida
22 Answers
38195 Reads
11 Karma

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Terence’s Avatar
Terence Oct 14, 2023 871 views

How many years of education do you need to be an doctor?

Do you need different types of school or another type of education to be an doctor?

Helena’s Avatar
Helena Oct 12, 2023 1206 views

How can I better my chances of being hired as a Nurse Assistant??

Note: Have not worked in the clinic and would like some feedback. Please and thanks!

Trinity’s Avatar
Trinity Oct 13, 2023 6917 views

Is it possible to go to a community college for general education and then transfer to a university to focus on my desired major?

Is it possible to go to a community college for general education and then transfer to a university to focus on my desired major? If so, when I attend a university, will I have to continue general education, or will community college cover that?

Pria’s Avatar
Pria Oct 12, 2023 6337 views

What should I study for Criminal Psychology?

I am a sophomore in high school and I want to become a criminal behavior profiler. I want to learn about how criminals think & what leads them to do what they do. I know that it can take a huge toll on you, but what other challenges to people in this field, & what I should study in college or...

Markel’s Avatar
Markel Oct 05, 2023 567 views

what is the best paying medical job right after graduating ?

I am in a M. A program so when I graduate I am able to go into the medical field as an M.A or phlebotomist

Zoomar’s Avatar
Zoomar Oct 02, 2023 576 views

Should aspire to be a PA or MD?

I am currently having trouble choosing what to do in life.

alannah’s Avatar
alannah Sep 29, 2023 917 views

How can I become a Post-Partum Nurse after high school?

Can I go to community college? Age requirement? Education needed?

Pradip’s Avatar
Pradip Sep 06, 2023 410 views

what are the options available to me after my 10 th?

what are the options available to me after my 10 th

Maddie’s Avatar
Maddie Sep 24, 2023 2636 views

What inspired you became a sonography tech?

I’m still in high school, and before I get into my program I wanted to know some of the things that inspired other people.

Meghan’s Avatar
Meghan Sep 19, 2023 361 views

What’s the hardest part about being a professional dancer?

I am going to college for it and don’t know where to start after

avery’s Avatar
avery Sep 09, 2023 914 views

Should i try to get as much college done as possible in high school?

Should i try to get as much college done as possible in high school?

K.’s Avatar
K. Jul 12, 2023 782 views

Becoming a Psychiatric Nurse Practictioner with a Non-Nursing Degree?

Hi! Is there anyone who has gotten their BSN or MSN with a non-nursing degree? Can you share your experience? I've seen that Columbia and NYU have MSN programs for non-nursing degrees. I'm a rising senior in high school and I think I'll pursue a psychology degree in college, then apply to a...

Alissa’s Avatar
Alissa Jul 15, 2023 476 views

What can I use to help me succeed when taking the MCATS?

What can I use to help me succeed when taking the MCATS? How should I study for the MCATS? When is the best time to start preparing for the MCATS?

zion’s Avatar
zion Aug 25, 2023 7922 views

where do i start if i want to be an actress?

I want to be an actress/model, How would you recommend getting into the entertainment with zero experience or very little? Where do i start and what connections should i make??

diana’s Avatar
diana Aug 23, 2023 578 views

what does it take to be pediatric?

how much schooling what's the pay and expenses.