Priyanka Shah
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what can i do to make my business more sucessful
what can I do to make my business more successful

What are the best ways to prepare to be a business major?
I'm in 9th grade and in the near future, I plan to be a business major in college, I ask this question to learn and understand what it takes and how to be a business major.

I suck at math and I want to get better but I don’t know how.
I suck at math and it’s genuinely embarrassing. Like there’s some topics that I get but it’s a matter of remembering for me. I always forget what’s taught to me in math class. And this is specifically only for the math subject and not others like Biology, Anatomy, history, English, government...

What are college classes like?
How hard are classes in college ? Do people find them extremely hard or are they comparable to the college classes that you can take while still in high school ?