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Statesboro, Georgia
1 Questions
41 Karma

Kate’s Career Goals

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Kate Sep 11, 2023 841 views

What are some scholarships that you may have gotten? How did you get them? Did it take you long to do the work required? How did you decide what you wanted to be when you grew up? Do you still like doing that job? When should I start applying for scholarships? What job did you always want to do but didn’t end up doing because you either couldn’t or thought it would be frowned upon? Was there ever a job you wanted but didn’t end up doing because it didn’t pay enough?

I’ve always wanted to be an interior designer or work in the film industry. There’s not much demand for Interior designers where I live and i don’t want to move far away from home! There is a lot of demand for the film industry though. What should I do? I want to be in a career that I love and...