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Jessica Sturm’s Avatar

Jessica Sturm

Software Engineer at ESPN
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Hartford, Connecticut
2 Answers
16475 Reads
16 Karma

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Jackson’s Avatar
Jackson Aug 27, 2023 10022 views

What jobs are if best if you want to work with computers?

I would like to work with computers in the future, but would like to know the jobs that people enjoy the most.

Ben ’s Avatar
Ben Aug 13, 2016 6448 views

What is it like working at ESPN?

If you work at ESPN can you provide me some insights into what its like working there? Are there any special perks? What is the company culture like? I feel like it would be a fun place to work because you can always talk about sports with people (sports is one of my favorite topics to talk...