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Umang Patel’s Avatar

Umang Patel

Salesforce Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
5 Answers
8115 Reads
2 Karma

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Destiny’s Avatar
Destiny Aug 27, 2023 1493 views

what would be the best collage to go to for a computer science degree?

i currently go to a stem academy and really would like to work as a computer scientist and would like to know what the best collage to go to for that degree would be

Eric’s Avatar
Eric Aug 17, 2023 3033 views

What is Scrum and what is Agile?

I have a very basic understanding of what Agile is. I read over the Agile manifesto but I am still having a hard time fully understanding how it fits into software development. I have no real idea what Scrum or being a "Scrum Master" means. Ive heard the terms used before when referring to...

Angelous’s Avatar
Angelous Sep 12, 2023 411 views

How did you get started in your career?

I am a high school graduate in Jobcorps, wanting to know some information on the happening from anyone in the cisco certified networking profession.

AZIZ’s Avatar
AZIZ Apr 28, 2016 1350 views

What are the advantages I would get from college?

My goal is to become a software engineer. #college #software #software-engineering #software-engineer #college-advice #college-major