ginna’s Career Goals
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What are some solid extracurriculars for medical?
I am currently a sophomore in highschool and I am wondering what are some solid extracurriculars that revolve around medical? I am currently in the IB programme and trying to maintain high grades, but I don’t think my grades solely will be able to get me into a good university. Another question...

What are some units/jobs in the medical field?
Hi everyone! I am currently a sophomore in highschool and I have been really interested in studying in the medical field. As of now, I’ve been drawn to becoming a radiologist, but I want to be exposed to more jobs revolving around medical. What are some jobs out there?

What are some good extracurriculars that can improve my chances of getting into a medical school as a high school student?
As the topic states, I have been trying to find a good bunch of extracurriculars that relate to the medical field. I currently do some volunteering as well as basketball on a local team (I heard group sports are always a bonus) and I was also planning on starting a NPO (Non-profit organization)...