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Megan Johnson’s Avatar

Megan Johnson

Human Resources Associate
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Matteson, Illinois
3 Answers
3708 Reads
21 Karma

Active Locations

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Sep 25, 2023 813 views

How do I get more knowledge about a career?

I play the guitar
I want to get better at singing

Nishka’s Avatar
Nishka Sep 25, 2023 1181 views

How do I gain more traction and volunteers for a non-profit I am creating as a high-schooler ?

I want to create a non-profit to connect to women and children in need, providing them with food and clothing. How can I gain volunteers and how can I contact organizations to let us assist?

Luke’s Avatar
Luke Sep 25, 2023 1739 views

How can i be ready to go into the workforce?

Please help me