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Irene Rivera de Royston’s Avatar

Irene Rivera de Royston

Retired Educator/Social Worker
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Cutler Bay, FL
6 Answers
7605 Reads
1 Karma

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Anna’s Avatar
Anna Mar 01 1503 views

Do you have to get your masters degree in order to be a school socialworker?

I'm a senior in high school

Clarissa’s Avatar
Clarissa Oct 03, 2023 376 views

How is it like being a counselor in school?

I’m a 8th grader and I’m looking forward to being a counselor and helping people with their problems.So how is it like being a counselor?Is it interesting?

Elaina’s Avatar
Elaina Oct 04, 2023 501 views

What does your job look like on a daily basis?

What specifically do psycologists do on a regular basis?

Raven’s Avatar
Raven Sep 28, 2023 645 views

When should I start my career?

When should I start my career? I’m 15 years old I know I have a a lot of potential for my age. Sometimes I think I might be a workaholic. I just really have the urge to work.

Adilay’s Avatar
Adilay Sep 26, 2023 4568 views

what does the typical day in the life of a psychiatrist look like?

what are the tasks like? what are the goods and bads that happen frequently or have the potential to happen?

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Sep 26, 2023 307 views

How can i become a college drumline teacher?

I want to teach drumline I work hard and love drums.