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Megan Couper’s Avatar

Megan Couper

Account Executive
Sales and Related Occupations
Denver, Colorado
6 Answers
4150 Reads
1 Karma

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Mark’s Avatar
Mark Apr 23 1315 views

How does one join a large IT company like Microsoft, IBM etc from college?

Can I apply directly to these companies ? How do I know where to go ?

kira’s Avatar
kira May 01 407 views

what is the point of collage if I will be losing money rather than making it?

I am not sure weather to think of collage as a investment or a unnecessary loss of money and time.

thomas’s Avatar
thomas Apr 26 561 views

how to study to study?

ask my friends questions

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Apr 29 694 views

what is the best way to gain enough knowledge?

I'm in my 7th grade

Maxwell’s Avatar
Maxwell Sep 29, 2023 810 views

What are some tips to become an entrepreneur and where should I start my journey?

What are some tips to become an entrepreneur and where should I start my journey?

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Oct 10, 2023 1011 views

How will I get started on working in my career?

how will I get started on learning my career?